Jubilee College State Park
Jubilee College State Park
Location:15 miles northwest of Peoria, between the towns of Kickapoo and Brimfield, just off US 150.
Facilities:Class A (electric) and Class C campsites for RVs or tents (Apr 15-Nov1), with showers, flush toilets, and privies, winter campground (ClassB) with electricity and primitive privies (no running water),equestrian campground with drinking water, toilet facilities, shelterhouse, picnic areas with shelters (with electric), playgrounds, andrestrooms, multi-use trails.
Activities:Camping, fishing, horseback riding, hunting, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling.
Special Features:Founded in 1839, Jubilee College was one of the earliest educationalenterprises in Illinois. The college closed in 1862, and in 1933 theproperty was turned over to the state of Illinois. The collegebuilding, placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972,has been restored to its original appearance and is managed by theIllinois Historic Preservation Agency.
Address:13921 W Rt 150
Brimfield, IL 61517
Web: dnr.state.il.us/Lands/Landmgt/PARKS/R1/JUBILEE.HTM
Size: 3,184 acres.
See other parks in Illinois.