

 [ap″o-re-pres´or] a repressor that is inactive until it combines with a corepressor.


(ap'ō-rē-pres'er), A regulatory protein that, when combined with another corepressor, undergoes allosteric transformation, which allows it to combine with an operator locus and inhibit transcription of certain genes.

in·ac·tive re·pres·sor

(in-ak'tiv rĕ-pres'ŏr) A repressor that cannot combine with an operator gene until it has combined with a corepressor (usually a product of a protein pathway); after activation, the repressor arrests production of the proteins controlled by the operator gene; a homeostatic mechanism for regulation of repressible enzyme systems.
Synonym(s): aporepressor.


a regulatory protein that inhibits the activity of specific genes when in the presence of a COREPRESSOR.