Acronym | Definition |
JDM➣Jeffrey Dean Morgan (actor) |
JDM➣James Douglas Morrison (poet) |
JDM➣Japanese Domestic Market |
JDM➣Job Duration Monitor |
JDM➣Judgment and Decision Making |
JDM➣Juvenile Dermatomyositis (Childhood immune disease affecting skin and muscles) |
JDM➣Jeunes Du Maroc (French: Young People in Morocco) |
JDM➣Java Data Mining (industry standard in developing solutions for extracting information from data) |
JDM➣Java Device Manager (computing) |
JDM➣Journal of Database Management |
JDM➣Java Dynamic Management (computer programming) |
JDM➣Justin Downey Marketing (Irving, TX) |
JDM➣Joint Depot Maintenance |
JDM➣Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus (endocrine disorder) |
JDM➣Joint Design Manufacturer |
JDM➣Journal on Discrete Mathematics |
JDM➣Joint Development Manufacturer |
JDM➣Junior Department Manager |
JDM➣Journal of Department Managers |
JDM➣Jovi Deo Magno (Latin: To Jupiter the Great God, epigraphy) |
JDM➣JPEO Decision Memorandum |