a barrow necropolis of the aristocracy of Pantica-paeum (fourth and third centuries B.C), located in a mountain ridge of the same name in the Crimea (seePANTICAPAEUM). The first excavations were conducted in the mid-19th century. The height of the barrows varied from 8.5 to 12 m, and the circumference, from 160 to 200 m. Discovered beneath the earthen mounds were burial vaults: a dromos and one or two burial chambers, made of hewn stone (laid dry) and with various types of roofs (cylindrical and stepped). The vaults contained carved wooden sarcophagi, which were painted and gilded. Discovered next to the dead were gold diadems, rings, necklaces, bronze mirrors, strigils (in male burials), and various vessels that are examples of classical vase painting.