

单词 kee


n. pl.1.See Kie, Ky, and Kine.



(ke)1. and kee and key and ki (ki) n. a kilogram of cannabis. (Drugs.) Well, how much is a ki? 2. n. ketamine hydrochloride, a drug similar to LSD. (Drugs.) You want to try this K. stuff? 3. n. a thousand (of anything, such as dollars, bytes, etc.). This car is worth at least twenty K.


verbSee K


(redirected from K)


1. A shortening of "kilogram," referring specifically to a kilogram of some illicit drug. Tom got busted with a K of coke in his trunk. Dude's going away for a long time. The gang smuggled 200 Ks of heroin across the border by hiding them in tubs of ice cream.2. A shortening of "ketamine." We all did a bunch of K on the camping trip so we could trip out while surrounded by nature. A friend of mine asked if I wanted to try some K with her after class, but I knew better than to touch that stuff.3. A shortening of "kilo," referring to a thousand units of currency. My father-in-law invested 150K into my business.4. In baseball, an abbreviation for "strikeout." Typically used in writing. A: "Smith just got another strikeout." B:" All right, I'll add another K to my scorecard."


slang A phonetic shortening of "kilo," referring to a kilogram of some illicit drug. Tom got busted with a kee of coke in his trunk. Dude's going away for a long time. The gang smuggled 200 kees of heroin across the border by hiding them in tubs of ice cream.


(ke)1. and kee and key and ki (ki) n. a kilogram of cannabis. (Drugs.) Well, how much is a ki? 2. n. ketamine hydrochloride, a drug similar to LSD. (Drugs.) You want to try this K. stuff? 3. n. a thousand (of anything, such as dollars, bytes, etc.). This car is worth at least twenty K.


verbSee K



Knowledge Engineering Environment. Frame-based expert system.Supports dynamic inheritance, multiple inheritance,polymorphism. Classes, meta-classes and objects are alltreated alike. A class is an instance of a meta-class. Cancontrol rules for merging of each field when multipleinheritance takes place. Methods are written in LISP.Actions may be triggered when fields are accessed or modified.Extensive GUI integrates with objects. Can easily make objectupdates to be reflected on display or display selections toupdate fields. This can in turn trigger other methods orinference rules which may then update other parts of thedisplay. Intellicorp, for TI Explorer. "The Role ofFrame-Based Representation in Reasoning", R. Fikes et al, CACM28(9):904- 920 (Sept 1985).


KEEKewanee (Amtrak station code; Kewanee, IL)
KEEKey External Expert (various companies)
KEEKeesler AFB (Biloxi, MS)
KEEKnowledge Engineering Environment
KEEKansas Equipment Exchange
KEEKnowledge Era Enterprises (US and Germany)
KEEKnowledge Extraction Engine
KEEKokusai Electric Europe GmbH




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