Iomud Horse
Iomud Horse
the oldest saddle breed raised by the Turkmen tribe of Iomuds in modern-day Turkmenia. Like the Akhal-tekinskaia horse, it is a descendant of the ancient Turkmen saddle horse. Through the centuries, the Iomud horse has been subjected to the influence of many breeds (Arabian, Akhaltekin-skaia, Kazakh, Mongolian). The Iomud horse is smaller but more compact than the Akhaltekinskaia horse, with a small head, fairly short neck, short straight back, and sinewy, strong legs. The average measurements of the stallions in centimeters are height at the withers, 150.4; diagonal length of body, 150.3; girth of chest, 165.4; and girth of the front cannon bone, 18.9. These are hardy horses, suited to being kept in pasture and for work under saddle and in harness in agricultural and transportation work in hot desert climates and under mountain conditions. The Iomud horse is one of the fastest among the native saddle horses. It has long been used as a breed improver in the Turkmen SSR, the Kara-Kalpak ASSR, and the southern and southwestern regions of Kazakhstan. The main breeder of thoroughbred Iomud horses is the Tashauz State Stud Farm in the Turkmen SSR.
Kniga o loshadi, vol. 1. Edited by S. M. Budennyi. Moscow, 1952. Pages505–12.B. SALIKHOV