Ivan Barinov

Barinov, Ivan Vasil’evich


Born March 1843 in the village of Dobrino, Borovsk District, Kaluga Province; died 1913 in the village of Tunkinskoe, Irkutsk Province. Russian worker and revolutionary. He came from the peasantry.

Barinov worked at the Goriachev Factory in Moscow in the early 1870’s. In 1874 he became a core member of the Muscovite circle, founded by P. A. Alekseev. In March 1875 he attended the congress of the All-Russian Social-Revolutionary Organization and took part in drawing up its statutes. He conducted propaganda among workers of Moscow and Ivanovo-Voznesensk. On Mar. 14, 1877, he was sentenced to nine years of forced labor, but the sentence was commuted to deportation to Tobol’sk, and in 1880 to the province of Irkutsk.