Ivan Bliokh
Bliokh, Ivan Stanislavovich
Born July 24, 1836; died Dec. 25, 1901. Economist, statistician, and financier. A Warsaw banker and son of a Polish manufacturer.
Bliokh founded and presided over the directorates of the joint-stock companies of the Kiev-Brest, Libava, and Lódz railroads. He made a start in the development of railroad statistics (in the works Russian Railroads, 1875, and The Influence of Railroads on the Economic Condition of Russia, vols. 1–5, 1878, translated into French). He was the author of works on the economic history of Russia and on the economics of industry and agriculture. His Economic-Statistical Works, 1875–1900 was published in Paris (1900) in French, and Manufacturing Industry of the Polish Kingdom (1881–84) and Land and Its Indebtedness in the Polish Kingdom (1892) were issued in Polish.
Finansy Rossii XIX stoletiia, vols. 1–4. St. Petersburg, 1882. (Translated into French, German, and Polish.)Sravnenie material’nogo i nravstvennogo sostoianiia gubernii zapadnykh, velikorossiiskikh i vostochnykh, vols. 1–5, with atlas. St. Petersburg, 1901.
Melioratsionnyi kredit i sostoianie sel’skogo khosiaistva v Rossii i inostrannykh gosudarstvakh. St. Petersburg, 1890.