Jean Cassou

Cassou, Jean


Born July 9, 1897, in Deusto near Bilbao, Spain. French writer. Son of an engineer.

Cassou received a literature degree in Paris. He has published research in music, literature, and fine art, particularly Spanish. In his novel The Bloody Days of Paris (1935; Russian translation, 1937), which deals with the Paris Commune of 1871, Cassou focused on the revolutionary proletarian struggle from a historical perspective. A member of the French Resistance, Cassou wrote Thirty-Three Sonnets, Written in Prison (1944), filled with both anguish and hope. His novel The Center of the World (1939; published 1945) depicts the period from the eve of World War I to World War II. Cassou is a steadfast opponent of imperialism and reaction.


Grandeur et infamie de Tolstoï Paris [1932].
Le Livre de Lazare.Paris, 1955.
La Clef des songes.Lausanne [1964].
Le Voisinage des cavernes.Paris [1971].
In Russian translation:
“Zh. Kassu o povesti V. Poznera ‘Ispaniia—pervaia liubov’.’ “Innostrannaia literatura, 1967, NO. 11.


Istoriia frantsuzskoi literatury, vol. 4. Moscow, 1963.
Georgel, P. J. Cassou … Choix de textes: Bibliographie portrait, facsimile.Paris, 1967. (Poetes d’aujourd’hui.)