Jan Botto
Botto, Jan
Born Jan. 27, 1829, in the village of Vyšný Skálnik; died Apr. 28, 1881, in Banská Bystrica. Slovak poet.
Botto’s work developed in the course of romanticism. His poems, meditations, and ballads on historical and folklore subjects are devoted to the national liberation struggle of the Slovak people. A collector of folklore, Botto used elements of folk songs in his verses. The failure of the revolution of 1848 colored his perception of reality with elegiac tones. His most significant poem is The Death of Janoshik (1862).
Súbornē dielo. Bratislava, 1955. In Russian translation in Slovatskaia Poeziia XIX-XX vv. Moscow, 1964.REFERENCES
Sokolov, M. “Stikhotvoreniia lana Botto.” In Sbornik statei po slavianovedeniiu. St. Petersburg, 1883.Kochol, V. Poézia štúrovcov. Bratislava, 1955.