Ivan Ivanovich
Ivan Ivanovich
Born 1496; died circa 1534. Grand prince of Riazan’ after 1500. The true ruler of Riazan’ was his mother. But in 1516, Ivan took the power away from her with the help of Tsarevich Bogatyr’ of Crimea, who raided the Riazan’ land. In 1520, Grand Prince Vasilii III Ivanovich summoned Ivan to Moscow, where he was seized and placed under armed guard. In 1521, during the approach of the armies of Crimean Khan Muhammad-Girei, Ivan managed to escape. He fled to Lithuania, where Grand Prince Sigismund I granted him life control of the settlement of Stoklishki.
Ivan Ivanovich
Born Mar. 28, 1554; died Nov. 19, 1582, at Aleksandrovskaia Sloboda, now Aleksandrov, Vladimir Oblast. Tsarevich and eldest son (not including Dmitrii, who died in infancy) of Tsar Ivan IV Vasil’evich.
Ivan participated in a number of his father’s campaigns and in the implementation of the oprichnina. His cruelty, like his father’s, was notorious. He died during an altercation when his father struck him on the temple with an iron-tipped staff.