Ivan Ivanovich Fedorenko
Fedorenko, Ivan Ivanovich
Born Feb. 6, 1827, in Kharkov; died Dec. 14, 1888. Russian astronomer.
Fedorenko graduated from the University of Kharkov in 1848. In 1866 he was appointed a professor there. His chief works were devoted to the proper motions of stars. Fedorenko also compiled a catalog of the positions of the circumpolar stars using the observations of J. Lalande.
Razyskanie srednikh sobstvennykh, deistvitel’nykh i parallaktiche-skikh dvizhenii zvezd. St. Petersburg, 1865.Positions moyennes pour l’époque de 1790. O des étoiles circompolaires, dont les observations ont été publiées par Jérome Lalande dans les Mémoires de l’Académie de Paris de 1789 et 1790. St. Petersburg, 1854.