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ker·a·to·cyte (ker'ă-tō-sīt), The fibroblastic stromal cell of the cornea.An erythrocyte formed when haemoglobin denatures—as occurs in alpha-thalassemia or G6PD deficiency—and precipitates—due to oxidation—into clumps (Heinz bodies) that stick to the red cell membrane; the spleen ‘pits out’ a fragment of membrane with precipitated haemoglobin as the cells pass through the sinusoids, hence the term ‘bite’
schistocyte A fragmented red cell which arises from either an intrinsic increase in cell fragility or due to intravascular rugosities that traumatise cells; schistocytes are a nonspecific finding seen in hemolysis, trauma, prosthetic heart valves, megaloblastic and microangiopathic anaemioccidianhemolytic uremic syndrome, TTP.ker·a·to·cyte (ker'ă-tō-sīt) 1. The fibroblastic stromal cell of the cornea. 2. A variety of poikilocyte that owes its abnormal shape to fragmentation occurring as the cell flows through damaged small vessels. Synonym(s): schistocyte. keratocyte 1. One of the cells of the main body of the CORNEA. 2. An abnormally-shaped red blood cell bearing horn-like projections. Keratocytes may occur in cases of poisoning or adverse drug reactions in which the red cells are damaged. corneal corpuscle Main cellular element of the corneal stroma. It is a flattened, dendritic cell located between the lamellae with a large flattened nucleus and lengthy processes which may communicate with neighbouring cells. These cells have fibroplastic and phagocytic functions. Syn. corneal fibrocyte; fixed cell; keratocyte. |