Katowice Województwo
Katowice Województwo
an administrative unit in southern Poland. Area, 9, 600 sq km. Population, 3, 730, 000 (1971; 77 percent urban). Administrative center, the city of Katowice.
Katowice Województwo is an industrial region, containing the greater part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Of the 850, 000 people employed in industry, three-fifths live in the Upper Silesian conurbation. Katowice Wojewodztwo produces about one-fifth of Poland’s gross industrial output (1971), about one-half of the steel and coke, about four-fifths of the zinc, almost nine-tenths of the coal, more than three-fourths of the iron ore (mines near Czestochowa), about one-half of the lead and zinc ores, and one-sixth of the electric power. The major industry is machine building (190, 000 employed), especially large-scale metalworking and electrical macine building; an automobile industry is being developed. Other industries include building materials, chemicals, food, and textiles.
Forests cover 31 percent of the area of Katowice Woje-wództwo; agricultural land, 55 percent (41 percent plowland).The main crops are potatoes, rye, and vegetables. Cattle raisingis also important ( both meat and dairy). As of 1971 there were264, 000 head of cattle (including 158, 000 cows), 355, 000 pigs, 197, 000 sheep, and 35, 000 horses.