Iori Plateau

Iori Plateau


or Gare-Kakheti Plateau, a plateau between the Kura and Alazani rivers in the Georgian SSR and the southern part of the Azerbaijan SSR.

The Iori Plateau stretches west-northwest to east-southeast, bisected longitudinally by the valley of the Iori River. The elevation of the plateau is between 200 m and 900 m. It is composed of loose sandy-argillaceous rock, sandstones, and conglomerates that form fold structures. Low mountain ridges alternate with flat plains and basins. The soils are chernozem, chestnut, and cinnamon. Steppe vegetation predominates, with occasional open woodland and saxicolous xerophytes. A substantial part of the area is plowed. The eastern part of the Iori Plateau is called the Shiraki Steppe.