Ivan Ivanovich Vakhrameev

Vakhrameev, Ivan Ivanovich


Born Oct. 3 (15), 1885, in Iaroslavl’; died July 20, 1965, in Leningrad. Participant in the October Revolution and the Civil War. Joined the CPSU in 1917.

From 1908 to 1911, Vakhrameev served in the navy as a noncommissioned officer. During World War I (1914-18) he was called up to the Baltic Fleet. After the February Revolution Vakhrameev was chairman of a ship committee and of the Committee of the Fourth Submarine Division. He was a delegate to the Second Congress of Sailors of the Baltic Fleet and the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets. On Oct. 26 (Nov. 8), 1917, Vakhrameev was elected chairman of the Revolutionary Navy Committee, which was set up to replace the Central Committee of the All-Russian Navy. He participated in the suppression of the Kerensky-Krasnov revolt. In 1918-19 he was a representative of the Revolutionary War Council of the Republic and chief of the technical and economic unit of the naval department. After the Civil War he held administrative positions at the port of Leningrad. From 1932 he held administrative positions in naval educational institutions. He retired in 1949 with the rank of colonel.