Jan Laski
Łaski, Jan
Born circa 1456, in Łask, near Łódź; died May 19, 1531, in Kalisz, Poznań Województwo. Polish political figure.
Łaski was chancellor of the Kingdom of Poland from 1503 to 1510, when he became archbishop of Gniezno and primate of Poland. With the help of the jurist S. Zaborowski, Łaski assembled and in 1506 published all the laws that had been enacted by the Sejms; the collection became known as Łaski’s Statute. He advocated a vigorous policy directed against the Teutonic Order. At the Lateran Council in 1513 he persuaded the pope to recognize the order as a vassal of Poland. He opposed Hapsburg attempts to gain control of Hungary. Łaski encouraged learning and gave financial assistance to the Jagellonian University.