Acronym | Definition |
IOW➣Image of the Week (photography) |
IOW➣Isle Of Wight |
IOW➣In Other Words |
IOW➣Input Output Write |
IOW➣I/O Write |
IOW➣Integrity Operating Windows (various companies) |
IOW➣Islands of the World |
IOW➣International Office for Water |
IOW➣Iraq Occupation Watch (San Francisco, CA) |
IOW➣Intelligence Operations Workstation (USMC) |
IOW➣Integrated Optical Waveguide |
IOW➣Instruments of War (gaming group; Return to Castle Wolfenstein; Activision, Inc.) |
IOW➣Information Operations Warfare |
IOW➣Innovators of Wrestling |
IOW➣Idiots on Wheels |
IOW➣Institute for Occult Warfare (Nazi Germany) |
IOW➣International One Way (rental fee) |