John Mackinnon Robertson

Robertson, John Mackinnon


Born Nov. 14, 1856, in Brodick; died Jan. 5, 1933, in London. British historian of early Christianity.

Robertson belonged to the mythological school, which denied the historicity of Jesus Christ. In his research, Robertson came to the conclusion that the source for the biblical myth of Christ was the pre-Christian, Hebrew cult of Joshua; he found traces of the cult both in the Old Testament (Joshua the son of Nun) and in the New Testament.


A Short History of Christianity [3rd ed.]. London [1931].
Christianity and Mythology, 2nd ed. London, 1936.
Pagan Christs [2nd ed.]. London, 1911.
In Russian translation:
Evangel’skie mify. Moscow, 1923.
Pervonachal’noe khristianstvo. Moscow, 1930.