Ivanov, Artemii Vasilevich
Ivanov, Artemii Vasil’evich
Born May 5 (18), 1906, in Molodechno. Soviet zoologist.
Ivanov graduated from Leningrad State University in 1930. He became a lecturer there in 1935, and later a docent. In 1950 he was made a professor, and since 1965 he has simultaneously been director of the Laboratory of Evolutionary Morphology of the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. His main works have been on the morphology, classification, embryology, and phylogeny of invertebrates. He has written monographs on the morphology, embryonic development, and evolution of parasitic gastropods (1937–53). In 1952 he investigated the structure and fauna of acoelous marine turbel-larians of the Far East. Between 1949 and 1970 he made a thorough study of the new animal phylum Pogonophora. In 1952 he discovered the class Udonellidae (Platyhelminthes). Ivanov is a member of the German Leopoldin Academy of Natural Sciences (since 1959; Halle, GDR). He was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1961.
“Morfologicheskie adaptatsii k paraziticheskomu obrazu zhizni.” Uch. zap. LGU: Ser. biologicheskikh nauk, 1937, vol. 3, issue 4.“Stroenie Udonella caligorum Johnston i polozhenie Udonellidae v sisteme ploskikh chervei.” Parazitologicheskii sb. , 1952, no. 14.
“Beskishechnye turbelliarii iuzhnogo poberezh’ia Sakhalina.” Tr. Zoologicheskogo in-ta, 1952, vol. 12.
Promyslovye vodnye vespozvonochnye. Moscow, 1955.
Pogonofory. (Fauna SSSR.) Moscow-Leningrad, 1960.
Proiskhozhdenie mnogokletochnykh zhivotnykh. Leningrad, 1968.
Pogonophora. New York, 1963.
“Enbranchement des Pogonophores.” Traité de Zoologie, 1960, vol. 5, issue 2.