Acronym | Definition |
JEC➣Jacobs Engineering Group (stock symbol) |
JEC➣Joint Economic Committee (US Congress) |
JEC➣Jornada Escolar Completa (Spanish: Full School Day; Chile) |
JEC➣Jeunesse Etudiante Catholique (French: Young Catholic Students; Ivory Coast) |
JEC➣Jaguar Enthusiasts Club (car club; various locations) |
JEC➣Jeunesse Etudiante Chretienne (French: Young Christian Students) |
JEC➣Jersey Electricity Company (UK) |
JEC➣Japan Electronics College (est. 1951) |
JEC➣Jonsson Engineering Center (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Troy, NY) |
JEC➣Jardine Engineering Corporation (Hong Kong) |
JEC➣Jewish Educational Center (Elizabeth, NJ) |
JEC➣Japan Engineering Co., Ltd. (est. 1974) |
JEC➣Joint Executive Council |
JEC➣Japanese Electrotechnical Committee |
JEC➣Jorhat Engineering College (India) |
JEC➣Joint Evaluation Committee |
JEC➣Joint Europe Committee (UK) |
JEC➣Journal of Employment Counseling |
JEC➣Journal of Educational Change |
JEC➣James Earl (Jimmy) Carter (39th President of the USA) |
JEC➣Joliet Equipment Corporation |