Jippensha Ikku

Jippensha Ikku


Born 1765; died 1831. Japanese writer.

Jippensha wrote in various genres, including didactic stories and sentimental novels. He became famous with the “picaresque” novel On Shanks’ Mare Along the Tokaido Road (1802-22), which he published in installments over several years. The novel’s dialogue sections are written in the lively conversational language of the period, full of pointed jokes, slang, and folk ditties. The book had great success and many imitators.


Tokaidodochu hizakurige. Tokyo, 1953.


Eliseev, S. G. “Iaponskaia literatura.” In the collection Literatura Vostoka, vol. 2. Petrograd, 1921.
Konrad, N. I. “Pervyi etap iaponskoi burzhuaznoi literatury.” In the collection Problemy literatury Vostoka. Leningrad, 1932.
Grigor’eva, T., and V. Logunova. Iaponskaia literatura. Moscow, 1964.