Ivan Vasilevich Avdeev
Avdeev, Ivan Vasil’evich
Born 1818; died March 29 (April 10), 1865. Russian inorganic chemist.
After being graduated from the Institute of the Mining Engineer Corps in 1836, Avdeev worked in the Urals and then in 1856 in the Moscow assay office. In 1842 he determined the precise composition of the compounds and minerals of beryllium and demonstrated that the formula for beryllium oxide was BeO, and not Be203 as had been previously thought. This work of Avdeev’s received high praise from D. I. Mendeleev.
“O glitsii i ego soedineniiakh.” Gornyi zhurnal, 1842, part 3, book 9, pp. 361–91.REFERENCE
Trudy Instituta istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki, 1955, vol. 6, pp. 110–24.S. A. POGODIN