Karl Schwarzschild Observatory
Karl Schwarzschild Observatory
An observatory founded 1960 at Tautenburg in Thuringia, Germany, at an altitude of 330 meters. The chief instrument is a reflector with a 2.0-meter spherical mirror that can be used with a 1.34-m correcting plate as a Schmidt telescope. A second correcting plate is ground so as to produce spectra of celestial bodies, i.e. it acts as an objective prism. The mirror can also be used at the Cassegrain and coudé foci.Karl Schwarzschild Observatory
an astronomical observatory located at Tautenburg, near Jena, in the German Democratic Republic. Founded in 1960, the observatory has a unique Schmidt telescope with an optical efficiency of 1:3; the diameter of the spherical mirror is 2 m, and that of the corrector plate is 134 cm. The research carried out at the observatory is primarily in the areas of stellar and extragalactic astronomy.