Karlstad, Treaty of 1905

Karlstad, Treaty of (1905)


a treaty signed between Sweden and Norway on October 26 after negotiations that lasted from Aug. 31 to Sept. 23, 1905, in Karlstad, Sweden.

The treaty gave legal form to the dissolution of the Swedish-Norwegian union of 1814–1905 instituted by Norway on June 7, 1905, and defined the integrity of Norwegian territory, created a neutral frontier zone, set conditions for tariff-free transit of goods through Norwegian territory to and from Sweden, and confirmed the rights of nomadic migration of Swedish Lapps on Norwegian territory. Although the treaty was initialed on September 23, the official signing took place only after it was approved by the parliaments of both countries: the Norwegian Storting gave its consent on Oct. 9, 1905; the Swedish Riksdag, on Oct. 13, 1905.


Recueil international des traites du XX siècle. Compiled by E. Descamps and L. Renault. Paris [1906]. Pages 348–49.