John Pendlebury
Pendlebury, John
Born Oct. 12, 1904, in London; died May 22, 1941, on Crete. English archaeologist.
A student of A. Evans, Pendlebury continued Evans’ research at Cnossus on Crete. He initially studied Egyptian archaeology, including the monuments of Tell el-Amarna (1928–29), where he directed excavations from 1930 to 1936. He then studied ancient Cretan monuments and was curator of the Cnossus Palace from 1930 to 1934. Pendlebury was killed by fascist German soldiers when they occupied Crete.
Arkheologiia Krita. Moscow, 1950. (Translated from English.)Aegyptiaca: A Catalogue of Egyptian Objects in the Aegean Area. Cambridge, 1930.
A Handbook to the Palace of Minos at Knossos. London, 1933.
Tell el-Amarna. London, 1935.