Ivan Viacheslavovich Netushil
Netushil, Ivan Viacheslavovich
Born May 2, 1850, in Prostějov, South Moravia Region, Czechoslovakia; died Feb. 21, 1928, in Kharkov. Russian philologist and historian; specialist in classical languages and ancient Roman history. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1910).
Of Czech nationality, Netushil studied at the universities of Olomouc, Prague, and St. Petersburg. In 1885 he became a professor at the University of Kharkov (prorector from 1906 to 1912 and rector from 1912 to 1919). He dealt mainly with the early history of Rome, particularly problems of the origin of the magistracies and the foreign policy of Rome up to the fourth century B.C. Netushil’s works contain a painstaking philological analysis of the texts and a detailed critique of classical tradition. He was the author of works concerning the genesis of the Latin language, which he combined into the series Studies and Materials for a Scholarly Syntax of Latin (vols. 1–3, 1881–88).
Lektsii po rimskoi istorii, vols. 1–3. Kharkov, 1907–09.Obzor rimskoi istorii. Kharkov, 1912.
For a list of Netushil’s works written before 1905, see Istoriko-filologicheskii fakul’tet Khar’kovskogo un-ta za pervye 100 let ego sushchestvovaniia (1805–1905). Kharkov, 1908.