Jan Zachwatowicz
Zachwatowicz, Jan
Born Mar. 4, 1900, in Gatchina, present-day Leningrad Oblast. Polish architect and architectural historian. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1952) and of the Academy of Architecture in Paris (1967).
Zachwatowicz studied in Petrograd from 1918 to 1924 and at the Polytechnical Institute in Warsaw from 1924 to 1930, where he taught from 1925. From 1945 to 1957 he was the chief curator of the architectural monuments of the Polish People’s Republic. Zachwatowicz helped develop the plan for the rebuilding of Warsaw (1946) and participated in the restoration of architectural monuments in a number of Polish cities. He received the State Prize of the Polish People’s Republic in 1950.
Ochrona zabytkow w Polsce. Warsaw, 1965.Architektura polska. Warsaw, 1966. In Russian translation: Pol’skaia arkhitektura. Warsaw, 1967.