

单词 ipm



abbr. inches per minute


or i.p.m.,

inches per minute.



(1) (Impressions Per Minute) Generally refers to document scanners that scan both sides of the page at the same time. Thus, a scanner that scans at 100 ppm (pages per minute) can provide 200 ipm. See ppm and document scanner.

(2) (IPM) (Intel Power Monitor) A utility from Intel that monitors power usage in notebook computers.

(3) (IPM) (Internet Policy Management) See Internet Usage Policy.


IPMIntegrated Pest Management
IPMImages Per Minute
IPMIntelligent Power Module (power semiconductors)
IPMÍndice de Pobreza Multidimensional (Spanish: Multidimensional Poverty Index)
IPMInstitute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (Iran)
IPMInternational Partnership for Microbicides
IPMInstituto Paulo Montenegro (Argentinian institute; est. 2000)
IPMInstituto Português de Museus
IPMInches Per Minute
IPMInstituto de Previsión Militar (Spanish: Military Forecasting Institute; Guatemala)
IPMInstitut Pasteur de Madagascar (French: Pasteur Institute of Madagascar)
IPMIntelligent Power Management
IPMInfrastructure Performance Management
IPMIntegrated Project Management (Capability Maturity Model Integration)
IPMInstituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie (Portuguese: Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute; Brazil)
IPMInternet Protection Module
IPMIntelligent Passthru Module
IPMIntegrated Performance Monitoring
IPMInternet Protocol Module
IPMInstructions per Minute
IPMInfoprint Manager
IPMInternetwork Performance Monitor
IPMImage Processing Machine
IPMIntelligent Power Module
IPMIncome Property Management (Oregon)
IPMInterpersonal Messaging
IPMInterior Permanent Magnet (motor)
IPMInterpersonal Message (ITU-T)
IPMInterior Point Methods
IPMInternational Project Management
IPMIntegrated Performance Monitoring (computing)
IPMInstitute of Preventive Medicine (Copenhagen, Denmark)
IPMInquérito Policial Militar (Portuguese: Military Police Investigation; Brazil)
IPMInnovation Process Management
IPMImpressions Per Minute
IPMIrish Potato Marketing (est. 1950; Dublin, Ireland)
IPMInterplanetary Medium
IPMInfoPrint Manager (IBM AIX)
IPMIntegrated Photonics Module
IPMImpulses Per Minute
IPMInstitute of People Management
IPMInterruptions Per Minute
IPMImmediate Past Master (Masonic)
IPMInternet Policy Management (software)
IPMInternet Presence Management
IPMIntegrated Process Management
IPMInstitute of Psychosexual Medicine (London, UK)
IPMImpuesto de Promoción Municipal (Spanish: Municipal Sales Tax; Peru)
IPMIteration Planning Meeting
IPMInstitute of Project Management
IPMIndependent Particle Model
IPMIntegrated Product Management
IPMIntellectual Property Manager
IPMInverse Perspective Mapping
IPMInternational Power Machines
IPMInhalable Particulate Matter
IPMInspection Procedures Manual (Federal Aviation Administration)
IPMInventory Performance Management (software)
IPMIdeal Physical Model
IPMIonization Profile Monitor
IPMInstitute of Palliative Medicine (various locations)
IPMItalian Panoramic Monochromator
IPMInstitute of Productivity and Management
IPMInterference Prediction Model
IPMInternal Polarization Modulation
IPMInventory Projection Model
IPMIntel Power Monitor
IPMIndustrial Preparedness Measure(s)
IPMInventory of Preventive Measures
IPMIntelligent Process Manager
IPMInternetworking Performance Monitor (Cisco)
IPMIntegrated Policy Memorandum
IPMInspirible Particle Mass
IPMIntel PowerMac (Apple)
IPMIntegrated Propulsion Module
IPMIncident Process Management
IPMInput Process Module
IPMIndustrial Preparedness Model
IPMInterpersonal Mail System
IPMInterprocessor Multiplexer
IPMInput Processor Module
IPMInpatient Pharmacy Manager (Kaiser Permanente)
IPMIn-Panel Module (automotive construction)




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