Acronym | Definition |
IPM➣Integrated Pest Management |
IPM➣Images Per Minute |
IPM➣Intelligent Power Module (power semiconductors) |
IPM➣Índice de Pobreza Multidimensional (Spanish: Multidimensional Poverty Index) |
IPM➣Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (Iran) |
IPM➣International Partnership for Microbicides |
IPM➣Instituto Paulo Montenegro (Argentinian institute; est. 2000) |
IPM➣Instituto Português de Museus |
IPM➣Inches Per Minute |
IPM➣Instituto de Previsión Militar (Spanish: Military Forecasting Institute; Guatemala) |
IPM➣Institut Pasteur de Madagascar (French: Pasteur Institute of Madagascar) |
IPM➣Intelligent Power Management |
IPM➣Infrastructure Performance Management |
IPM➣Integrated Project Management (Capability Maturity Model Integration) |
IPM➣Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie (Portuguese: Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute; Brazil) |
IPM➣Internet Protection Module |
IPM➣Intelligent Passthru Module |
IPM➣Integrated Performance Monitoring |
IPM➣Internet Protocol Module |
IPM➣Instructions per Minute |
IPM➣Infoprint Manager |
IPM➣Internetwork Performance Monitor |
IPM➣Image Processing Machine |
IPM➣Intelligent Power Module |
IPM➣Income Property Management (Oregon) |
IPM➣Interpersonal Messaging |
IPM➣Interior Permanent Magnet (motor) |
IPM➣Interpersonal Message (ITU-T) |
IPM➣Interior Point Methods |
IPM➣International Project Management |
IPM➣Integrated Performance Monitoring (computing) |
IPM➣Institute of Preventive Medicine (Copenhagen, Denmark) |
IPM➣Inquérito Policial Militar (Portuguese: Military Police Investigation; Brazil) |
IPM➣Innovation Process Management |
IPM➣Impressions Per Minute |
IPM➣Irish Potato Marketing (est. 1950; Dublin, Ireland) |
IPM➣Interplanetary Medium |
IPM➣InfoPrint Manager (IBM AIX) |
IPM➣Integrated Photonics Module |
IPM➣Impulses Per Minute |
IPM➣Institute of People Management |
IPM➣Interruptions Per Minute |
IPM➣Immediate Past Master (Masonic) |
IPM➣Internet Policy Management (software) |
IPM➣Internet Presence Management |
IPM➣Integrated Process Management |
IPM➣Institute of Psychosexual Medicine (London, UK) |
IPM➣Impuesto de Promoción Municipal (Spanish: Municipal Sales Tax; Peru) |
IPM➣Iteration Planning Meeting |
IPM➣Institute of Project Management |
IPM➣Independent Particle Model |
IPM➣Integrated Product Management |
IPM➣Intellectual Property Manager |
IPM➣Inverse Perspective Mapping |
IPM➣International Power Machines |
IPM➣Inhalable Particulate Matter |
IPM➣Inspection Procedures Manual (Federal Aviation Administration) |
IPM➣Inventory Performance Management (software) |
IPM➣Ideal Physical Model |
IPM➣Ionization Profile Monitor |
IPM➣Institute of Palliative Medicine (various locations) |
IPM➣Italian Panoramic Monochromator |
IPM➣Institute of Productivity and Management |
IPM➣Interference Prediction Model |
IPM➣Internal Polarization Modulation |
IPM➣Inventory Projection Model |
IPM➣Intel Power Monitor |
IPM➣Industrial Preparedness Measure(s) |
IPM➣Inventory of Preventive Measures |
IPM➣Intelligent Process Manager |
IPM➣Internetworking Performance Monitor (Cisco) |
IPM➣Integrated Policy Memorandum |
IPM➣Inspirible Particle Mass |
IPM➣Intel PowerMac (Apple) |
IPM➣Integrated Propulsion Module |
IPM➣Incident Process Management |
IPM➣Input Process Module |
IPM➣Industrial Preparedness Model |
IPM➣Interpersonal Mail System |
IPM➣Interprocessor Multiplexer |
IPM➣Input Processor Module |
IPM➣Inpatient Pharmacy Manager (Kaiser Permanente) |
IPM➣In-Panel Module (automotive construction) |