Kauchuk i Rezina

Kauchuk i Rezina


(Raw and Cured Rubber), a scientific and technical journal; organ of the Ministry of the Oil-refining and Petrochemical Industry of the USSR and the D. I. Mendeleev All-Union Chemical Society. The journal has been published monthly since 1927 in Moscow. Until 1936 it was published under the title Zhurnal rezinovoi promyshlennosti (Journal of the Rubber Industry); since 1937 it has come out under its present title (it was not published from 1942 to 1956).

The journal is concerned with problems of the production of synthetic rubber, tires, cured-rubber and asbestos technical products, household rubber goods, carbon black, reclaimed rubber, and recapping of tires. It publishes the results of research on the properties of various materials and articles, as well as the processes of their treatment and use; discusses research and testing methodology, the problems of production methods, and the theory and calculation, as well as the practice, of designing rubber products; publishes articles on the economics of the various sectors of production and propagandizes the advanced experiments of enterprises; presents data on the achievements of foreign science and technology; and gives critiques and bibliographic reviews. Circulation in 1974 was about 6, 000.