Maksim Vorobev

Vorob’ev, Maksim Nikiforovich


Born Aug. 6 (17), 1787, in Pskov; died Aug. 30 (Sept. 11), 1885, in St. Petersburg. Russian painter. Son of a soldier.

Vorob’ev studied in the St. Petersburg Academy of Art (1798-1809) with F. la. Alekseev and taught there from 1815, becoming a professor in 1823. During 1809-12 and 1817-18 he sketched views of Russian cities. He was assigned to the Russian Army in Germany and France (1813-14) and in the Balkans (1828); he traveled in the Middle East (1820-21) and Italy (1844-45). He painted pictures based on his travel sketches and executed a number of views of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Vorob’ev’s landscapes combine accurate architectural perspective with romantic elation and use various effects of light (View of the Moscow Kremlin, 1815; Autumn Night in St. Petersburg, 1835, Tret’iakov Gallery). A pioneer of Russian romantic landscape painting, Vorob’ev was the teacher of M. I. Lebedev, I. K. Aivazovskii, and both G. G. and N. G. Chernetsov.


Smirnov, G. V. “Maksim Nikiforovich Vorob’ev.” In Russkoe Isskustvo… . Pervaia polovina deviatnadtsatogo veka. Moscow, 1954.