Acronym | Definition |
MSB➣Most Significant Bit |
MSB➣McDonough School of Business (Georgetown University) |
MSB➣Matanuska-Susitna Borough (Palmer, OK) |
MSB➣Most Significant Byte (multiple byte sequences) |
MSB➣Michael Stanley Band |
MSB➣Money Services Business (non-bank financial institution) |
MSB➣Middle School Boys (various locations) |
MSB➣Michigan State (University) Broadcasting |
MSB➣Midsize Business |
MSB➣Media Stream Broadcast |
MSB➣Most Significant Byte |
MSB➣Marshall & Swift/Boeckh (insurance; various locations) |
MSB➣Magic School Bus |
MSB➣McCluer South Berkeley (school; St. Louis, MO) |
MSB➣Monthly Statistical Bulletin (various locations) |
MSB➣Marshall School of Business (University of Southern California) |
MSB➣Municipal Services Building |
MSB➣Molecular and Structural Biology (various schools) |
MSB➣Mauritius Standards Bureau |
MSB➣Mangala Shri Bhuti (Buddhist organization; Colorado; est. 1989) |
MSB➣Medical Services Branch |
MSB➣Merage School of Business (University of California, Irvine) |
MSB➣Music Soundtrack Book (Middlesex University; London, UK) |
MSB➣Minimum Sideband (modulation) |
MSB➣Military Science Building (various locations) |
MSB➣Malawi Savings Bank |
MSB➣Medical Sciences Bulletin |
MSB➣Medical School Building (University of Texas Health Science Center - Houston) |
MSB➣The Robert Emmett McDonough School of Business (Georgetown University) |
MSB➣Mortality Statistics Branch (US CDC) |
MSB➣Membership Services Board (various organizations) |
MSB➣Minesweeping Boat |
MSB➣Modular Sleeping Bag |
MSB➣Microsoft Security Bulletin |
MSB➣Michelmersh Silver Band (UK) |
MSB➣Maryland State Boychoir |
MSB➣Michigan School for the Blind |
MSB➣Melbourne Staff Band (Melbourne, Australia) |
MSB➣Marxistischer Studentenbund (Marxist Students Federation) |
MSB➣Magic Store Builder (various locations) |
MSB➣Milli Savunma Bakanligi |
MSB➣Marine Safety Branch (Canada) |
MSB➣Magnetic Susceptibility Balance |
MSB➣Mississippi School for the Deaf |
MSB➣Main Switch Board |
MSB➣Motorized Seatbelt (vehicles) |
MSB➣Monetary Stabilization Bond |
MSB➣Mid Size Bentley |
MSB➣Massive Sperm Buildup |
MSB➣Managing Student Behaviour (Australia) |
MSB➣Multiple-Synapse Boutons |
MSB➣Missile Support Base |
MSB➣Mobile Sea Base |
MSB➣Memory Storage Buffer |
MSB➣Middletown Symphonic Band (Middletown, CT) |
MSB➣Manufacturer Specified Blocks |
MSB➣Minimum Security Baseline (IT security) |
MSB➣Michigan Association of School Boards |
MSB➣Molecular Sieve Bed |
MSB➣Minnesota State Band (Saint Paul, MN) |
MSB➣Mechanism Selection Box |
MSB➣Modern Strategic Bomb |
MSB➣Maintenance Standards Book |
MSB➣Mechanized Summary Billing |
MSB➣Main Street Bath, Inc. (Maine) |
MSB➣Main Support Base/Battalion |
MSB➣Mixing/Shearing/Blending |
MSB➣Minimal Segmental Buckling (eye surgery) |
MSB➣Message Storage Buffer |
MSB➣Member of the Society of Biology (UK) |
MSB➣Masters of Science in Bioethics (various locations) |
MSB➣Multiple Switch Board |