Adelard of Bath

Adelard of Bath

(ăd`əlärd), fl. 12th cent., English scholastic philosopher, celebrated for his study of Arabic learning. He translated Euclid from Arabic into Latin. His major works were Perdifficiles quaestiones naturales, which embodied his scientific studies, and De eodem et diverso, his principal philosophical work, which attempts a solution to the problems of nominalismnominalism,
in philosophy, a theory of the relation between universals and particulars. Nominalism gained its name in the Middle Ages, when it was contrasted with realism.
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 and realismrealism,
in philosophy. 1 In medieval philosophy realism represented a position taken on the problem of universals. There were two schools of realism. Extreme realism, represented by William of Champeaux, held that universals exist independently of both the human mind and
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