Acronym | Definition |
LOH➣Loss of Heterozygosity |
LOH➣Ladies Of Harley |
LOH➣Late-Onset Hypogonadism |
LOH➣Liturgy of the Hours (religious practice) |
LOH➣Local Overload Handler |
LOH➣Lebanon Opera House (Lebanon, NH) |
LOH➣Line Overhead |
LOH➣Light Observation Helicopter |
LOH➣Legion of Honor |
LOH➣Large Object Heap |
LOH➣Labor and Overhead |
LOH➣Loop of Henle (kidney nephron) |
LOH➣Lay on Hands (Paladin ability; Everquest game) |
LOH➣Legend of Heroes (gaming) |
LOH➣Lady of the House |
LOH➣Lots of Hugs |
LOH➣Loss Of Hire (shipping) |
LOH➣Legion of Havok (gaming) |
LOH➣Live Open House (virtual real estate network) |
LOH➣Line Off Hook |