Khakhanashvili, Aleksandr Solomonovich

Khakhanashvili, Aleksandr Solomonovich


(also A. S. Khakhanov). Born Jan. 3, 1864, in Gori; died May 25, 1912, in Tbilisi. Georgian philologist, historian, archaeologist, and public figure.

Khakhanashvili graduated from the faculty of history and philology of the University of Moscow in 1888. He wrote a complete course on the history of Georgian literature, consisting of Essays on the History of Georgian Literature (fases. 1–4, 1895–1907) and A History of Georgian Literature (vols. 1–2, 1904–17). He also wrote A History of Georgia (Paris, 1910). Khakhanashvili published ancient Georgian manuscripts and translated them into Russian.


Bogdanov, VI. “Aleksandr Solomonovich Khakhanov” (obituary). Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 1912, nos. 1–2.
Dzhavakhov, A. N. “A. S. Khakhanov i ego deiatel’nost’ v oblasti kavkazovedeniia.” Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 1912, nos. 3–4.
Ceret’eli, A., and Al. Sitqva. Xaxanashvilis dakrzalvis dges carmot’k ‘muli, t’xz. (Complete Works), vol. 14. Tbilisi, 1961.
Badrize, Sh. K’artveltmc’odneobis gamoch’enili mochirnaxule Alek‘sandre Xaxanashvili. Tbilisi [1968].