Khalimat Bairamukova

Bairamukova, Khalimat


(pseudonym of Khalimat Bashchievna Kubanova). Born Aug. 15, 1917, in the aul (village) of Kurzuk. Soviet Karachai poet. Member of the CPSU since 1963.

Bairamukova wrote the verse narrative Zalikhat (1963) about the struggle of the Soviet people against German fascism, the collection of poems I Love Life (in Russian, 1957), the novel Years and Mountains (1964), and other works in which the new life of the Karachai-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast is vividly portrayed.


[Bayramukova, Khalimat.] Jïrla-dedile taularïm. Stavropol’, 1969.
In Russian translation:
Vesennii polden’: Stikhi. Cherkessk, 1966.


Karaeva, A. I. Stanovlenie karachaevskoi literatury. Cherkessk, 1963.
Kagieva, N. Khalimat Bairamukova: Ocherk tvorchestva. Cherkessk, 1966.