Khama, Seretse Khama Ian

Khama, Seretse Khama Ian

(sĕrĕt`sā kä`mä), 1953–, Botswanan political leader and military officer, president of Botswana (2008–18); eldest son of Botswana's first president, Sir Seretse KhamaKhama, Sir Seretse
, 1921–80, Botswanan political leader, president of Botswana (1966–80); grandson of Khama III. After studying in England he returned to Bechuanaland (now Botswana) but was banished (1950) in a dispute with the British government over his succession
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. Like his father, he became (1979), by virtue of birth, chief of the Ngwato. Khama graduated from Sandhurst, Britain's officer-training school, and rose through Botswana's military ranks to become army commander and lieutenant general. He entered politics in 1998 when he was elected to parliament as a member of the ruling Botswana Democratic party. Again he ascended rapidly, becoming minister of presidential affairs and public administration, vice president (1999), and party chairman (2003). When President Festus MogaeMogae, Festus Gontebanye
1939–, Botswanan political leader, president of Botswana (1998–2008), b. Serowe. After studying economics at Sussex and Oxford universities, he returned to Botswana, where he began a civil service career; he also held posts in the
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 resigned in 2008, Khama succeeded to the presidency. He was elected to a full term in 2009 and reelected in 2014. His presidency was marked at times by authoritarian actions on his part. In 2018 he resigned; Vice President Mokgweetsi MasisiMasisi, Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe,
1962–, Botswanan political leader. An educator, he studied in the United States and Great Britain, then worked for the United Nations Children's Fund (1995–2003).
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 succeeded him.