nitroprusside test

ni·tro·prus·side test

a qualitative test for cystinuria; following the addition of sodium cyanide to the urine, the further addition of nitroprusside produces a red-purple color if the cyanide has reduced any cystine present to cysteine.

nitroprusside test

(1) An obsolete test for the presence of acetone in the urine.
(2) Cyanide-nitroprusside test (for cystine and homocystine).

ni·tro·prus·side test

(nī'trō-prŭs'īd test) A qualitative procedure for cystinuria; following the addition of sodium cyanide to the urine, the further addition of nitroprusside produces a red-purple color if the cyanide has reduced any cystine present to cysteine.