

单词 microsporidia
释义 DictionarySeemicrosporidian




an order of protozoans of the class Cnidosporidia. There are more than 20 genera, comprising more than 300 species. They are intracellular parasites of animals, predominantly arthropods and fish. Microsporidian amoeboids reproduce asexually (by simple division and schizogony) in the cell cytoplasm of the animal host. After the sexual process (autogamy), formation of spores (sporogony) begins. The spores are usually oval (2–10 microns in length) and have a spirally wound polar thread that serves to embed the parasite in the tissue of a new host.

Microsporidians cause diseases, microsporidioses, in various animals. For example, microsporidians of the genus Nosema are the causative agents of nosematoses, and Nosema cuniculi is possibly the cause of the human disease multiple sclerosis. Many species of Microsporidia are parasites of fish and commercial arthropods. More than 100 species are beneficial as parasites of harmful arthropods, since they cause their mass destruction; the possibility of using these species for the biological control of pests is being investigated.


Zhiznzhivotnykh, vol. 1. Moscow, 1968.
Weiser, J. Die Mikrosporidien als Parasiten der Insekten. Hamburg-Berlin, 1961. I. V. Issi



(mī'krō-spōr-id'ē-ă), Common name for members of the protozoan phylum Microspora. It includes some 80 genera parasitizing all classes of vertebrates and many invertebrates, especially the insects. Several genera, such as Encephalitozoon, Enterocytozoon, Nosema, Vittaforma, Pleistophora, and Trachipleistophora have been implicated in the infection of immunocompromised humans.


A phylum of ubiquitous spore-forming unicellular parasites, which have been reclassified as fungi. Microsporidia have a long polar filament and a polar cap that serves as a means of extrusion. They primarily infect infects, but crustaceans, fish and humans are not immune. Of the estimated million species of Microsporidia, 1500 have been formally named.
Microsporidia genera that cause human disease
• Brachiola—B algerae, B connori, B vesicularum.
• Encephalitozoon—E cuniculi, E hellem, E intestinalis.
• Enterocytozoon—E bieneusi (prolonged production of intra- and extracellular spores by Enterocytozoon bieneusi is not always associated with systemic disease).
• Microsporidium—M ceylonensis, M africanum.
• Nosema—N ocularum.
• Pleistophora species.
• Trachipleistophora—T hominis, T anthropophthera.
• Vittaforma species—V corneae.


Parasitology A phylum of ubiquitous unicellular obligate intracellular protozoans–eg, Enterocytozoon, which infect insects and vertebrates, and humans. See Encephalitozoon species.




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