Omsk Medical Institute

Omsk Medical Institute


founded in 1921. In 1936 the institute was named after M. I. Kalinin. In 1974 the Omsk Medical Institute included departments of treatment, pediatrics, stomatology, and public health and hygiene, as well as a graduate school, 53 subdepartments, a central scientific research laboratory, a stomatology clinic, and a polyclinic. The library had holdings of more than 600,000 volumes in 1974. In the 1973–74 academic year more than 4,000 students were enrolled at the institute, which employed about 450 instructors, including 45 professors and doctors of science and about 250 docents and candidates of sciences. The institute is entitled to accept doctoral and candidate’s dissertations for defense. Since 1923 collections of scientific works have been published by the institute. More than 16,000 physicians have been trained at the institute since its founding. In 1971 it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.