a people, the basic population of the Indian state of Meghalaya. Numbering about 384,000 persons (1971, census), they belong to the southern Mongoloid physical type with some Veddoid features. They speak a Mon-Khmer language and have retained their ancient beliefs (ancestor worship), although many are Christians. Their basic occupation is terrace and slash-and-burn farming. The Khasi have an early feudal social system, with vestiges of matriarchy. Name and property are transmitted through the female line, and marriages are matrilocal. Class differentiation is occurring in rural communities.
Narody Iuzhnoi Azii. Moscow, 1963.Boldyreva, S. A. “Cherty materinsko-rodovoi organizatsii u garo i kkhasi (Assam).” In Indiiskii etnograficheskii sbornik: Trudy In-ta etnografii. Moscow, 1961.