malarial pigment

ma·lar·i·al pig·'ment

a dark brown, granular pigment that rotates the plane of polarized light and has other properties similar to formalin pigment; occurs in parasitic infection, such as those caused by Plasmodium malariae, around brain capillaries, and in fixed macrophages of spleen, liver, bone marrow, and lymph nodes; composed of excess protein, an iron porphyrin, and hematin left over from the metabolism of hemoglobin by the malarial parasite within the red blood cell. See: malarial pigment stain.

malarial pigment

Black pigment in cerebral white matter composed of haematin and protein, which is a characteristic postmortem finding in Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Malarial brains are congested and oedematous, with indurated, flattened gyri and petechiae.