

 [mal″ah-se´ze-ah] a genus of yeastlike fungi. M. fur´fur is a species normally found on normal skin but capable of causing tinea versicolor in susceptible hosts. Called also Pityrosporon.


(mal'ă-sēz'ē-ă), A genus of fungi (family Cryptococcaceae) of low pathogenicity that lack the ability to synthesize medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids and require an exogenous supply of these lipids for growth such as can be found in the skin. [L. C. Malassez]


A genus of fungi with 10 known species of lipophilic organisms of the class Exobasidiomycetes, which do not form mycelia. It is a normal skin saprobe which, in the face of immunocompromise in the host, causes opportunistic infections. Malassezia globosa is the most aggressive, and has been causally linked to dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis, and the skin rash of tinea versicolor (pityriasis versicolor).
Malassezia species
• M dermatis.
• M furfur.
• M globosa.
• M nana.
• M obtusa.
• M pachydermatis.
• M restricta.
• M slooffiae.
• M sympodialis.
• M yamatoensis.
M globosa and M restricta are the common causes of clinical disease.
Selenium disulfide, ketoconazole shampoos, ciclopirox olamine, coal tar, zinc pyrithione, miconazole, or tea tree oil.


(mal'-ă-sē'zē-ă) A genus of fungi (family Cryptococcaceae) of low pathogenicity that lack the ability to synthesize medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids and require for growth an exogenous supply of these lipids such as can be found in the skin. [L. C. Malassez]


Louis Charles, French physiologist, 1842-1910. Malassez disease - testicular cyst.Malassez epithelial rests - epithelial remains of Hertwig root sheath in the periodontal ligament.Malassezia - a genus of fungi (family Cryptococcaceae) of low pathogenicity.