nonsense syndrome

Gan·ser syn·drome

(gahn'sĕr), a psychoticlike condition, without the symptoms and signs of a traditional psychosis, occurring typically in prisoners who feign insanity; for example, such a person, when asked to multiply 6 times 4, will give 23 as the answer, or will call a key a lock. See: malingering, factitious disorder. Synonym(s): nonsense syndrome, syndrome of approximate relevant answers, syndrome of deviously relevant answers

nonsense syndrome

Ganser syndrome Psychiatry A condition in which a person gives 'astonishingly' incorrect answers to simple questions; although considered to be factitious in nature, 'nonsense Sx' may occur in hysteria, schizophrenia, or transiently in normal subjects under stress or when fatigued. Cf Factitious 'diseases. '.


Siegbert J.M., German psychiatrist, 1853-1931. basal nucleus of Ganser - a group of large cells in the innominate substance, ventral to the lentiform nucleus. Synonym(s): nucleus basalis of GanserGanser commissures - the commissural fibers that lie above and behind the optic chiasms. Synonym(s): commissurae supraopticaeGanser syndrome - a psychoticlike condition, without the symptoms and signs of a traditional psychosis, occurring typically in prisoners who feign insanity. Synonym(s): nonsense syndrome; syndrome of approximate relevant answers; syndrome of deviously relevant answersnucleus basalis of Ganser - Synonym(s): basal nucleus of Ganser