Kholodilnaia Tekhnika

Kholodil’naia Tekhnika


(Refrigerating Engineering), a monthly scientific and industrial journal issued by the Ministry of the Meat and Dairy Industry of the USSR. The journal has been published in Moscow since 1923 except for the period from 1941 to 1947, when publication was suspended. The original title of the journal was Kholodil’noe i boenskoe delo (Refrigeration and Slaughtering); the title was changed to Kholodil’naia promyshlennost’ (Refrigeration Industry) in 1937 and to Kholodil’naia tekhnika in 1941.

Kholodil’naia tekhnika contains articles that deal with refrigerating-machine building, methods of refrigeration, and the uses of refrigeration in industry, agriculture, trade, transportation, and daily life. The journal is intended for engineers, technicians, researchers, and production innovators. Circulation, more than 15,000 (1977).