


a plateau in eastern Thailand. Area, approximately 160,000 sq km, with predominant elevations of approximately 150 m. Along its edges the plateau reaches heights of 500 m, forming the Dong Rak and Dong Phang Hoei ranges, which fall sharply to the Mae Nam Lowland and the basin of the lower course of the Mekong River. Khorat is composed primarily of horizontally deposited Mesozoic red sandstones and conglomerates; there are also salt deposits. The climate is subequatorial, with monsoons; precipitation measures approximately 1,000 mm per year, and the dry season is October through April. The vegetation cover is predominantly savannas on reddish-brown soils and monsoon deciduous forests (primarily dipterocarpaceous); large areas of grasses burn out yearly. The Khorat Plateau is surrounded by humid evergreen forests. Rice is grown on irrigated lands, and livestock is raised.