Nizami Aruzi, Ahmad Ibn Omar

Nizami Aruzi, Ahmad Ibn Omar


Born in Samarkand, date of birth unknown; died circa 1160. Persian and Tadzhik writer.

Nizami Aruzi was a court poet and secretary in the service of the rulers of Ghor and Bamian (northwestern Afghanistan). In 1156–57 he wrote Four Discourses, which was divided into an introduction and four chapters. This work contained 43 stories about the lives of famous secretaries, poets, physicians, and astrologers, without whom, in Nizami Aruzi’s opinion, the well-being of the throne was unthinkable. Despite factual errors, the book is an important historical and literary source.


Chahar maqaleh. Edited and with an introduction by M. Moin. Tehran, 1955–57.
In Russian translation:
Sobranie redkostei, Hi Chetyre besedy. Moscow, 1963.