Khubiev, Osman
Khubiev, Osman Akh’iaevich
Born Feb. 17, 1918, in the aul (village) of Verkhniaia Teberda, in what is now the Karachai-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast. Soviet Karachai writer. Member of the CPSU since 1956.
Khubiev served in the Great Patriotic War (1941–45). He is the author of the poetry collection Komsomol Songs (1936), which includes poetry about his native land, the party, friendship among peoples, and the Komsomol. He has also written sketches about workers and the novella The Abrek (1938), which depicts the struggle for Soviet power. The Hostage (vols. 1–3, 1959–65) is a trilogy based on documentary material concerning the struggle of the Karachai people against fascist aggression. The novella People (1966) poses problems concerning the moral development of young people.
Ant. Cherkessk, 1963.Murat. Cherkessk, 1968.
Juqüsiz kechele. Cherkessk, 1969.
Dert. Cherkessk, 1971.
Jilla. Cherkessk, 1974.
In Russian translation:
Vremia: Stikhi. Cherkessk, 1957.