Bauer chromic acid leucofuchsin stain

Bau·er chro·mic ac·id leu·co·fuch·sin stain

(bow'ĕr), a stain for glycogen and fungi using chromic acid as an oxidizing agent of polysaccharides, followed by Schiff reagent; glycogen and fungi cell walls appear deep red.

Bau·er chro·mic ac·id leu·co·fuch·sin stain

(bow'ĕr krō'mik as'id lū'kō-fūk'sin stān) A stain for glycogen and fungi using chromic acid as an oxidizing agent of polysaccharides, followed by Schiff reagent; glycogen and fungi cell walls appear deep red.


Hans, 20th century German anatomist. Bauer chromic acid leucofuchsin stain - a stain for glycogen and fungi.