Bauer-Kirby test

Bauer-Kir·by test

(bow'ĕr kir'bē), a standardized test for microbiologic susceptibility performed by transferring a standardized pure culture of the organism of interest onto a sensitivity plate (Petri dish with Mueller-Hinton agar) and observing growth in the presence of discs containing antibiotics.

Agar Diffusion Test

The most commonly used lab test for determining antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria causing clinical disease.

Bau·er-Kir·by test

(bow'ĕr kĕr'bē test) A standardized procedure for microbiologic susceptibility performed by transferring a standardized pure culture of the organism of interest onto a sensitivity plate (Petri dish with Mueller-Hinton agar) and observing the amount of growth in the presence of discs containing antibiotics.